How to grind coffee in a coffee grinder

A tart, invigorating freshly brewed coffee is a great start to a productive day. Real coffee lovers know: true benefits and rich taste are the result of the proper grinding of grains. To enjoy the depth of aroma and taste every day, it is worth learning how to competently work with a coffee grinder.

Each drink has its own consistency. First of all, you should focus on your own preferences and method of preparation. Modern coffee grinders make it possible to obtain different types of grinding.

  1. Large. To achieve this consistency, it will take only 10 seconds. The particle diameter will be about 0.8 mm. Grind coffee about 8 minutes before brewing. Coarse grinding is ideal for drip coffee machines.
  2. Average. Such coffee can be used in all types of coffee makers. Grinding time - 13 seconds. And just 6 minutes you have to use ground grains without losing the precious taste and aroma.
  3. Small. This type of grinding is suitable for carob coffee makers. The device’s operating time is 20 seconds. From grinding to cooking should take no more than 4 minutes.
  4. Espresso. As the name implies, coffee of this type is used for espresso when crushed beans are passed through steam. This is an ultrafine grinding obtained within 25-30 seconds.
  5. Powdery. Grains, crushed "into dust", are suitable for Turks and brewing in cups. It will take about 40 seconds to grind them. Use coffee powder immediately.

IMPORTANT! When choosing between an electric and a manual coffee grinder, give preference to the second option. Experts say that due to the low speed of the grain during grinding, they do not overheat and coffee retains its original flavor.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in chopping grains. Indeed, the grinding process is simple as all ingenious. But as in any business, there are rules, the observance of which will make you a real coffee guru.

  1. Having determined the degree of grinding, observe the time, both grinding and use. Following the recipe exactly, you will get a drink rich in aroma and taste.
  2. Do not be lazy to grind coffee before each brewing. Shelf life of crushed grains is a matter of hours: then the aroma and taste are lost.
  3. If part of the powder still remains, place it in an airtight container and put it in a dry place. The best option is a refrigerator.

How to set up grinding on a coffee grinder? Obviously, the type of coffee grinder matters. Each device has its own characteristics, which should be considered before grinding grains.

  1. Manual coffee grinder. The principle of operation is based on the work of two knives: one is fixed almost at the bottom of the tank, the second is connected to the handle. In a hand-held device, it will not work to ruin the coffee: the main thing is to observe the time.
  2. Knife device. In such a coffee grinder, grains are ground with knives operating at high speed. The longer the working time, the finer the grinding. For a consistent consistency, do not grind more than 120 ml (about 8 tablespoons) of grains at a time.
  3. Millstone. Such coffee grinders grind grains. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the distance between the knives. The smaller it is, the finer the grinding will be.

Whatever coffee grinder you choose, the first time can be considered experimental. The ideal grinding is often selected empirically.

Grinding grains may seem troublesome to someone. But if you really love coffee, such manipulations definitely pay off. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of starting the day with a cup of an invigorating aromatic drink.

Watch the video: How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder : Coffee Making (May 2024).

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